
Work Experience: 28th April - 9th May

Work Experience

What is the BEP Group?

  • The BEP Group are our work experience providers who visit and assess every employer to ensure that every placement is a safe environment for our pupils.

What is Work Experience?

  • An unpaid opportunity to experience working life whilst they are still at school.
  • A chance to develop and practise new skills and become more confident in applying abilities.
  • Can be non 鈥 vocational: it鈥檚 an experience of work!

Securing Your Own Placement

  • Think carefully about what you would like to do for work experience 鈥 it could be an opportunity to 鈥渢ry out鈥 a possible career choice or to secure a future weekend/holiday job.
  • You may be required to have an 鈥渋nterview鈥 with your potential employer.
  • Placements can be anywhere in the UK, but preferably either local or in London.
  • The employer must have Employer Liability Insurance (ELI) to be considered
  • A Health & Safety check will be carried out by an approved Health and Safety Officer.
  • All forms must be fully completed and signed by the employer and your parent, guardian or carer.


  • You can only have 1 placement
  • The school cannot provide transport expenses
  • Working hours: you will be expected to work a normal working day, not just school hours, as instructed by the employer. You may have to work on a Saturday, with a day off in the week, or work a shift pattern. You can only work a maximum of 37 hours per week.
  • Once you have submitted your own placement form you CANNOT CHANGE YOUR MIND - so please choose wisely.
  • 鈥淥wn placement鈥 forms are to be handed in to Mrs Steadman, in the Main Office, by 3rd November 2024 please.
  • Your tutor has been given a list of employers from last year to give you some ideas.
  • Please see Mrs Steadman, in the Main Office, if you need any help or advice.