Issue 1047: 07th June 2024


Message from the Castle Point & Rochford Community Policing Team

We have been asked by the Castle Point & Rochford Community Policing Team to pass on the message that the old Great Wakering Fire Station building is not structurally safe.

They ask that you speak to you children and advise them to avoid entering the Fire Station or any other similar derelict buildings whilst they are out and about.Ìý

Thank you for your support with this.

Coming Up….

We have a very busy but exciting half-term coming up and so I wanted to let you have a few dates for your diaries:

11th June Ìý Year 9 Awards Evening
2nd July Ìý Year 10 Awards Evening
4th July Ìý Year 11 Prom
9th July Ìý Year 7 Awards Evening
11th July Ìý Year 13 Prom
16th July Ìý Summer Concert


As ever, we will provide further details about each event nearer the time, but please do make a note of these dates.

Celebration Evenings

On Tuesday evening we hosted the first of our Celebration Evenings which was for some of our Year 8 pupils.Ìý It was a thoroughly enjoyable and uplifting event and provided the opportunity to formally recognise the achievements of the award winners.

There were awards for individual subjects, positive points, 100% attendance, as well as awards for those pupils nominated by Tutors and Heads of Years.Ìý Please see below for just a very small snapshot of some of our worthy winners.

Thank you to the parents and families who attended and we are looking forward to the subsequent events for the remaining year groups. Unfortunately, due to a long-standing personal commitment, I am unable to attend the event next week for Year 9 and would like to thank Mr Edwards, in advance, for hosting on my behalf.

And Finally….

Have a lovely weekend.

Choir Performance

Huge congratulations to our fantastic choir who delivered a confident and extremely professional performance to their friends and family at the end of the last-half term.

I know that Mrs Hutton was, quite rightly, incredibly proud of all of them. Congratulations to:

Fifee B

Chloe C-A

Scarlett P

Jack C-H

Paige O

Bethany G

Lily-May G

Hannah L

Eva R

Maisey M

Willow T

Louise M

Nina Y

Joni C

Caitlin A

Nathan R

Harry H

Katie B

Tia B

Lacey L

Emily D

D-Day 80th anniversary display

What do you do when you're not in school?

We would love to hear about your hobbies, interests and achievements...

If you have any stories and/or photos that you would like to share, please contact us at pupilservices@sweynepark.com

Contact details and personal preferences:

As you are aware we keep confidential records on our systems with parents/carers contact details, ie. addresses, phone numbers, emergency contacts and email addresses. If you have recently made any changes could you contact Pupil Services on: pupilservices@sweynepark.com so we can update our systems please.
We also hold information re your preference for use of pupils’ biometric data and school photos both inside and outside of school. If your preferences have changed, could you make us aware of the change by also emailing Pupil Services.
Thank you in advance.


Next week, the Caterlink menu will be ‘Lunch Week 3’.

Click here to see the menu.
